Cartman-2000's Sven Co-op server forum

I came
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Author:  SolWarrior [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  I came

Hello! :D

Im SolWarrior, and this is the first server I joined. 8O

Loved it so far, and it has also helped me in the process of getting better each time.
I hope Im able to get some building buddies to play lego with :lol:

Thankfully I dont have the temptation every griefer has when they see a block of diamond alone. But I do like to push people off buildings. :twisted:

So yeah, off for a quick Bio, I currently have 15 years, so I won't be doing profesional arguing with situations. I have other hobbies aside videogames, like playing my guitar on a rainy day or hanging out on a mall. I tend to play trading card games too.

So its all gonna be a funride y'see? :look:

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