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Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:50 pm
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I am wondering if you could either change the start level whenever the server crashes, or use an auto-restart script that selects a random map from a list. It is unfortunate when there are 6 or so players on the server and it goes to toonrun1, almost always everyone leaves because everyone has played it many times. It isn't that bad of a map, it has just been played too many times.
I had created this script a while ago that allows for auto-restart and random map (generated via mapcycle.txt). I am sure there are better scripts or programs out there, but it would be nice to not have to play toonrun1 everytime.
This script was used on an Ubuntu server.



for k in $( cat $steamhldsvalve/svencoop/mapcycle.txt ); do
   k=${k//" "}

cd $steamhldsvalve

libchecker ()
if [ 'uname -m' == 'x86_64' ]

updater ()
echo "($(date +"%T")) ($(date +"%m-%d-%y")) Updating/installing HLDS" >> ./autoscript.log
   $steamcmddir/ +login anonymous +force_install_dir "$steamhldsvalve" +app_update 90 validate +quit
echo "($(date +"%T")) ($(date +"%m-%d-%y")) Update/installation Complete" >> ./autoscript.log

reds ()
b=${a[$RANDOM % ${#a[@]} ]}
echo "($(date +"%T")) ($(date +"%m-%d-%y")) Starting on $b" >> ./autoscript.log
   LD_LIBRARY=$libarchitecture ./hlds_run -game svencoop +map $b +maxplayers 10 +sv_lan 0 -adminsfile=notdeladmins.txt -port 27016 -heapsize 512000 -num_edicts 8192 +sys_ticrate 64 -insecure -norestart
echo "($(date +"%T")) ($(date +"%m-%d-%y")) Crashed $i times, restarting..." >> ./autoscript.log
let "i+=1"


exit $?

The variable "$steamhldsvalve" must point to where hlds_run is, and the variable "$steamcmddir" must point to where is.
Maps that start with "-" do not work correctly in the script, so I have replaced them with other default maps. If you have any custom maps that start with "-", I suggest adding:

Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:28 pm
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